Camco Rhino Portable Waste Tank | خزان مجاري متنقل

Camco Rhino Portable Waste Tank | خزان مجاري متنقل
Camco Rhino Portable Waste Tank | خزان مجاري متنقل
Camco Rhino Portable Waste Tank | خزان مجاري متنقل
Camco Rhino Portable Waste Tank | خزان مجاري متنقل
Camco Rhino Portable Waste Tank | خزان مجاري متنقل
Camco Rhino Portable Waste Tank | خزان مجاري متنقل
Camco Rhino Portable Waste Tank | خزان مجاري متنقل
Camco Rhino Portable Waste Tank | خزان مجاري متنقل
Camco Rhino Portable Waste Tank | خزان مجاري متنقل
Camco Rhino Portable Waste Tank | خزان مجاري متنقل
Camco Rhino Portable Waste Tank | خزان مجاري متنقل
Camco Rhino Portable Waste Tank | خزان مجاري متنقل

Camco Rhino Portable Waste Tank | خزان مجاري متنقل

Regular price 65.000 KD

تحتاج خزان اضافي للصرف الصحي؟

خزان راينو المتنقل من شركة كامكو يعتبر من أفضل الحلول للصرف الصحي و جودته عالية

متوفر بحجمين

15 Gallon

21 Gallon

بكل سهولة تقدر تملأ الخزان و تنظفه و تخزنه و ايضا تسحبه بالسيارة

مصنوع من مواد بلاستيكية خاصة و قوية تتحمل الاستعمال المتكرر و تمنع اي تسربات و ايضا تتحمل الطقس و الشمس

أهم المميزات

معاه اكسسوارات لتنظيف و تخزين و العناية بالخزان

اطارات قوية و تحتوي على بيرينق لتسهيل سحب الخزان

معاه قطعه خاصة تركبها عليه للسحب

 في الخزان حجم (28) جالون يحتوي على محبس سفلي لتنظيف الخزان بالكامل

الخزان سهل التنظيف من الداخل

معاه قطعه لتعليق الخزان على سلم الكرفان الخارجي للتخزين

صناعة أمريكية

المنتج يحتوي على التالي

•Tote Tank with large durable handle, oversized wheels, tank rinser, and ladder hook
•15" female-to-female orange Rhino greywater hose
•3' RhinoExtreme sewer hose with swiveling bayonet and lug fittings
•Clear double bayonet elbow
•Clear bayonet elbow with removable 4-in-1 adapter
•Bayonet and lug storage caps for the hose
•Steel tow adapter
•Caps with lanyards



The Camco Rhino Portable Holding Tank is the durable, everything-you-need tote tank.

Fill, empty, clean, store, and tow the Rhino portable holding tank to the dump station. This heavy-duty holding tank has been designed for portability and ease of use. Includes everything you need to make a messy task as straightforward and simple as possible.

The Rhino portable waste holding tank is made of extremely durable, blow-molded, UV-stabilized HDPE. Rest assured this material won't leak or deteriorate with weather or under the sun. The ready-to-use kit has everything needed to move waste from your RV or trailer to a dump station. Includes accessories to help clean, maintain, and store the tote tank when not in use. Large, no-flat wheels with bearings make transporting the tank smooth and effortless. A removable tow adapter allows you to roll the tote tank just like you would roll luggage.

•Everything needed to transport waste from your RV to a dump station
•Accessories to clean, maintain, and store the tote tank when not in use
•No-flat wheels with bearings for smooth transport
•Removable tow adapter lets you roll the tank like a suitcase
•Low drain hole (gate valves on 28 and 36-gal. tanks) ensure that the tote tank empties completely
•Smooth interior is easy to clean with the integrated tank rinser
•Integrated ladder hook hangs on RV ladder when not in use
•Tote tank body has grooves to securely strap it in place
•Extremely durable, blow-molded, UV-stabilized HDPE construction
•Won't leak or deteriorate in the sun
•Two-year warranty

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